Linux:~# apt-cache show claws-mail|grep -i descrip -A 3 -B 1īreaks: claws-mail-extra-plugins (<< 3.9.1-1)ĭescription-en: Fast, lightweight and user-friendly GTK+2 based email clientĬlaws Mail is a powerful and full-featured mail client formerly called !!! Say Hello to Sylpheed CLAWS EMail Desktop client !!! So what is the best solution for a lightweight Graphical Email Client for Linux for Old Computers ?.Of course there is always the option to just use a simple Text Email clients such as Fetchmail, PINE or MUTT and unload the PCs memory and CPU with the simplistic text interface however as most people are totally unacquainted with Linux console or terminal, for most that won't be the option of choice. then Mozilla Thunderbirdĭefinitely won't be the client of choice especially if you have to add 5 or 10 email accounts (with a few hundred of emails laying on the remote mail server) to be periodically fetched via POP3 or IMAP protocol.
and there is suddenly need to use this PCs with a decent graphical email client for its existing GUI environment LXDE / XFCE / WindowMaker / Mate etc. If you happen to be system administrating an old computers with some 512 Megabytes of RAM or 1 Gigabyte of Memory with preinstalled some archaic version of GNU / Linux distro such as Slackware, Calderra Linux, Debian / Ubuntu / Fedora etc.